Pregnancy & Acid Reflux

Hello moms & moms-to-be,

I’m not sure about you, but during my pregnancy, towards the last trimester, I had horrible, HORRIBLE acid reflux. I couldn’t eat anything without having such a strong burning sensation in my upper chest and throat! I did notice certain foods I ate would trigger a stronger acid reflux reaction, particularly meats.

I would wake in the middle of the night to such a strong burning sensation that I wouldn’t be able to lay down flat again in order to fall asleep! It was just such an uncomfortable and painful feeling.

The one thing that worked for me was drinking apple cider vinegar! This was a lifesaver. I think I purchased and emptied two bottles of it while in my third trimester. In as much as drinking vinegar can be unpleasant, it was much MORE pleasant than living with that acid reflux.

My advice would be to have the apple cider right after a meal. Don’t wait for the acid reflex to happen. If you take it after the acid reflex has burned your throat, gulping down the vinegar will be painful (I know from experience). I would usually have two tablespoons after each meal.

Hope this works for some of you!


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