Help! 10 Pounds from Pre-Baby Weight

Ladies, what is with the last ten pounds!?!?!?

I had my wonderful daughter five months ago and I have been working really hard to get my pre-baby body back.

Around the six week mark, I slowly started to take long walks and eventually start running again. Once the weather started to get colder, I’ve been in the gym three to four days a week!

I was making great progress and my weight slowly started to go down yet a bad wack of the cold and flu in December (until now) has kept me out of the gym. Now, I’m at the ten pound mark and can’t get the motivation to keep going.

Since going to the gym I have definitely felt better about my body and am happy to say that most of my pre-baby clothes fit! Still, the number on the scale really bothers me…. If I’m happy with what I see in the mirror should I just toss the scale out the window!?!?!

Let me know ladies what you have done in this situation and if anything has worked well for you.





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