Back 2 Work

I can’t believe that in a month I will be back at work. So much has changed in a year… Mia will be 8 (almost 9) months when I head back to work and I have to say, the last couple months my mind has been on overdrive with different thoughts and feelings about being…

Sick X 2

Being sick and taking care of a sick baby is NO FUN! Being sick in general is never a joy ride but typically (minus baby) you could relax and take care of yourself. In my case that would mean lots of tea, hot soup, and many warm baths with good books. Those days are far…

Do You Know What You’re Feeding Your Baby?

The last couple weeks many thoughts on food have been running through my head… A couple years back, when I was ill and had agreed as a last resort to go see a Naturopath, my eyes were opened about our food in a negative way. After changing my diet temporarily and adding supplements to my…

Books: Mia’s Most Loved Reads at 6 Months

One of the things I love most is reading to my baby Mia. I love how she lights up every single time I bring out a new book to read to her. She enjoys listening to the sounds of the words while looking at the pictures. I have so many books for her but most…

Unsolicited Advice & Being A First Time Mom

Unsolicited advice is never easy. Sometimes it’s welcomed but those times are probably few and far between….and let’s be honest, some of the advice is just head scratching. Being a first time mom is challenging for an indescribable amount of reasons and learning to develop your own confidence as a mother, I believe, is so…

Creating My Capsule: STEP TWO – Discovery

Whoa… I really did it…I really cleaned out my entire closet and donated over 100 articles of clothing that I was just keeping for that, “what if” situation. #ClosetCleanout has officially concluded and now comes… STEP TWO- Discovery I have to say that I absolutely loved, LOVED this step! The Capsules program recommend starting Pinterest…

Creating My Capsule: STEP ONE – #ClosetCleanout

To say I am was a clothing hoarder would be an understatement… I WAS THE BIGGEST CLOTHING HOARDER I KNEW! I loved clothes and never wanted to donate them even if they didn’t fit or were no longer in fashion. Now, I wasn’t one of those that would keep damaged or wrecked items. If something…

Getting That Pre-Pregnancy Body Back

I’m not going to lie, there were days when I honestly thought I would just carry the extra 30 pounds I gained with Mia forever. “How am I ever going to lose this!?” I would constantly go back and forth with thinking, maybe I should just accept this new body and forget about my old…

Fashion Babies: Finally Enjoying Dressing Our Little Girl

I never knew the day would come when I would enjoy dressing up someone more than myself! LOL When Mia was first born, even though she got a mountain of cute clothes to wear, I was so reluctant to put her in anything other than pyjamas. “She’s so delicate,” I would always say or I…

Sleeping: Moving Baby to the Crib

I’m pretty sure that if you are a parent, a time comes that you want to reclaim your room, bed, and the little privacy you now have…. this moment came VERY EARLY for me. STEP ONE: Co-Sleeping When Mia was born, we were co-sleeping (which is defined as NOT sleeping, more like just laying in…

Help! 10 Pounds from Pre-Baby Weight

Ladies, what is with the last ten pounds!?!?!? I had my wonderful daughter five months ago and I have been working really hard to get my pre-baby body back. Around the six week mark, I slowly started to take long walks and eventually start running again. Once the weather started to get colder, I’ve been…