Sick X 2

Being sick and taking care of a sick baby is NO FUN! Being sick in general is never a joy ride but typically (minus baby) you could relax and take care of yourself. In my case that would mean lots of tea, hot soup, and many warm baths with good books. Those days are far…

Sleeping: Moving Baby to the Crib

I’m pretty sure that if you are a parent, a time comes that you want to reclaim your room, bed, and the little privacy you now have…. this moment came VERY EARLY for me. STEP ONE: Co-Sleeping When Mia was born, we were co-sleeping (which is defined as NOT sleeping, more like just laying in…

Breastfeeding & Bras Don’t Mix

Since giving birth to my little minion almost 4 months ago, bra shopping has been an absolute nightmare! My breasts have changed size at least three times and it has been so frustrating trying to keep up. The trouble started even before Mia was born. My breasts starting getting larger around the 6 month mark of…

Best Money I Spent: My Little Lamb Cradle ‘n Swing

Hi everyone, This morning as a drink my coffee and watch my little Mia in her swing, sleeping peacefully, I thought I would write a post on the product that has been a lifesaver… The Fisher Price My Little Lamb Cradle ‘n Swing has been one of the BEST products my husband and I have…

Cradle Cap – What Worked For Me

Hey guys, I just wanted to send out a quick post about cradle cap as Mia has experienced it over the past week. It started off as dry flaking skin (like the first picture below) and then turned into more yellow scales…. She recently went for her two month shots and the doctor recognized the…

Breastfeeding, Pumping Or Bottle!?!?!?

I have to say, if I didn’t start pumping I don’t think I would still be providing my child breast milk! Before Mia was born, I had read SO MUCH about the benefits of breastfeeding and proper techniques ect. I remember my husband calling me during the day and multiple times, when he would ask…

Sleep: What Is That Again?

WOW I’m tired! I didn’t know the true meaning of sleep deprivation until Mia was born. I had complained about being tired in the past; maybe one or two nights a week where I didn’t have a great sleep. Maybe my sleep was cut short due to work or being out late with my husband…

Survival: The First Week

Baby Mia was born July 28th 2015 at 7:50am after 12 hours of labour in the hospital. My contractions started on the Monday around 3pm and we arrived at the hospital around 8pm that night… I will save the labour story for another posting as I’ve been wanting to write about my first week of…