Back 2 Work

I can’t believe that in a month I will be back at work. So much has changed in a year… Mia will be 8 (almost 9) months when I head back to work and I have to say, the last couple months my mind has been on overdrive with different thoughts and feelings about being…

Sick X 2

Being sick and taking care of a sick baby is NO FUN! Being sick in general is never a joy ride but typically (minus baby) you could relax and take care of yourself. In my case that would mean lots of tea, hot soup, and many warm baths with good books. Those days are far…

Unsolicited Advice & Being A First Time Mom

Unsolicited advice is never easy. Sometimes it’s welcomed but those times are probably few and far between….and let’s be honest, some of the advice is just head scratching. Being a first time mom is challenging for an indescribable amount of reasons and learning to develop your own confidence as a mother, I believe, is so…