Sick X 2

Being sick and taking care of a sick baby is NO FUN! Being sick in general is never a joy ride but typically (minus baby) you could relax and take care of yourself. In my case that would mean lots of tea, hot soup, and many warm baths with good books. Those days are far…

Books: Mia’s Most Loved Reads at 6 Months

One of the things I love most is reading to my baby Mia. I love how she lights up every single time I bring out a new book to read to her. She enjoys listening to the sounds of the words while looking at the pictures. I have so many books for her but most…

Best Money I Spent: My Little Lamb Cradle ‘n Swing

Hi everyone, This morning as a drink my coffee and watch my little Mia in her swing, sleeping peacefully, I thought I would write a post on the product that has been a lifesaver… The Fisher Price My Little Lamb Cradle ‘n Swing has been one of the BEST products my husband and I have…

Baby Gifts From Etsy – Embroidered Little Lamb

I have been prowling Etsy since my baby girl has been born…actually…to be honest…even before that! A friend of mine at work introduced me to the site and since then I’ve been addicted to looking up the hundreds of cute baby items. One item I had been eyeing was a stuffed animal that you can…