Getting That Pre-Pregnancy Body Back

I’m not going to lie, there were days when I honestly thought I would just carry the extra 30 pounds I gained with Mia forever. “How am I ever going to lose this!?” I would constantly go back and forth with thinking, maybe I should just accept this new body and forget about my old…

Pregnancy & Acid Reflux

Hello moms & moms-to-be, I’m not sure about you, but during my pregnancy, towards the last trimester, I had horrible, HORRIBLE acid reflux. I couldn’t eat anything without having such a strong burning sensation in my upper chest and throat! I did notice certain foods I ate would trigger a stronger acid reflux reaction, particularly…

Breastfeeding & Bras Don’t Mix

Since giving birth to my little minion almost 4 months ago, bra shopping has been an absolute nightmare! My breasts have changed size at least three times and it has been so frustrating trying to keep up. The trouble started even before Mia was born. My breasts starting getting larger around the 6 month mark of…

Survival: The First Week

Baby Mia was born July 28th 2015 at 7:50am after 12 hours of labour in the hospital. My contractions started on the Monday around 3pm and we arrived at the hospital around 8pm that night… I will save the labour story for another posting as I’ve been wanting to write about my first week of…

Pre-labour = Annoying

Hey ladies, So I’m officially T – 4 days until my due date this Friday and I have had a frustrating week. From reading many blogs and forums, it seems many women experience my frustration. I went to my doctor on Tuesday and received really encouraging news, that I was 3cm dilated and that my…

Morning Sickness: What I did to survive

IT WILL IT WILL, I PROMISE!!!! Like most soon-to-be moms, I suffered from sever morning sickness. Just as I started to adjust to the realization that YES, I am pregnant and YES, my life will change forever as I know it….I got hit by morning sickness. First, let’s all agree, that morning sickness is a…